Thursday, November 4, 2010

Marching Orders

I arrived early, 6 am for the big "mid-term" election on Tuesday with excitement. As we opened the machines and when through the process to ensure that the integrity of the machines were maintained I noticed a line forming outside. The polls would open at 7 am sharp and not a minute sooner.

By 6:45 am there were 70 "WHITE WASP", impeccably dressed angry males waiting to vote. The men were all very serious and anxious to get this done so they could get off to their jobs. I could only imagine them watching FOX getting their marching orders to show up early to the polls to spank the Democrats this time. Not one of the men smiled as they walked up to sign the book; astounding!

I knew we were in trouble as soon as the doors opened! If any of the Democrats have learned anything, the Republicans know how to stick together, maintain order, stay on message. They never criticize one another; they are loyal soldiers who take their marching orders seriously.

Blue Dog Democrats have now been punished and will continue to be punished for listening the the Republican threats; they all (for the most part) lost. Democrats, take heed to this, learn from your mistakes. STICK TOGETHER! I can just picture the Republicans in a smokey room with John, King of the Oompa Loompas", Boehner at the head of the table with corporate big wigs from the oil and gas companies conspiring on how to maniupulate the election and it worked. The Blue Dogs played right into their hands...

I woke up the next morning feeling as if Bush had been re-elected...that sinking feeling came over me. Then, that reminded me, we now have a common enemy again. This is what it takes for the Dems to get motivated; a common enemy; a force to fight against. We have time. The Republicans can't do it alone; they are stuck with us. Boehner may be enjoying his rise to Speaker but his big orange head will be deflated after he discovers that he truly has NO POWER at all. The Senate and the President are still in charge.

Republicans can gloat for now; it's what they do best. Wise up Dems, it's time to begins strategizing against this monster...time to fall in line and stick together; it's our only option!


  1. This election was disgusting...every Dem I know is using that word: "disgusted." I am not that worried...I know those Repugs can't actually do anything besides be obstructionists...and they can't repeal "Obamacare" as they put it. It's just not going to happen. Obama will be re-elected; think of it this way: we couldn't get rid of that liar Bush even when people knew he had lied about the reasons for getting us mired in war.

    Another friend of ours was also working the polls and was shocked to her core by the anger of the Rs who came in to vote, also. She wrote about's really sad. She was stunned by the hatred and selfish ideas they were spouting.

    Stay strong! It will all be alright.

    Thanks for writing this!


  2. EC- yes, disgusting isn't even the half of it but it's a start. I am sad but optimistic...more than when Bush was re-elected....these Rupugs are all idiots; the entire bunch! I am looking forward to their spanking!
