Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Oil Crisis

As I watched and listened to Rachel Maddow interview Rep. Markey, it hit me that one sentence like a brick in the head. "With complacency comes disaster!" Yes Congressman, it does.

The Regulatory agencies of our Federal government have allowed the big corporations to rape and pillage the American people without so much as a kiss. The Oil industry is only one of many. Yes, they weren't regulated. You might also argue that they were in collusion over their back-up disaster plans. I would love to see Congress investigate and come across and "industry insider" who would be willing to put up the shared document that they all plagiarized from. You know it exists, it's just a matter of who has it or was it "destroyed in the fire?"

One may also argue that there are other industries that deserve a regulatory "look see" like the Financial Industry. Take a look back and you will find a trail of monies contributed to members of Congress to stop the regulations and to repeal those very same laws that were drafted back in the 20's & 30's that stopped this type of disaster from happening. Boy, they really let money cloud their judgement and now we all have to pay for their indiscretions. The "Good 'Ole Boy" network is alive and well. The heart is beating and they still have yet to learn from their mistakes; and Congress is too cowardly to do anything about it!

Then there is the Media. Yes, I saved the best for last! This has been a point for contention for me for years now and it's coming to a head yet again. To those of you who do not have the benefit of watching/reading alternative media (i.e. MSNBC, Blogs, etc.) may not realize the magnitude of the ineptness of our Main Stream Media. They are currently creating the news; not reporting.

Fox News is a prime example. They have become the mouth piece of the Far Right Republican Party and will not only lie, but they will create stories that don't even exist or pull something out of context and say it's "news." The Media used to be regulated and was held to a high standard whereby we could trust that they were being honest with us and that we could walk away and feel more informed. Those days ended when the monopolies formed. Yes, there are monopolies in the Media and no one is calling them out because their bosses are pulling the strings so that this will not come to light.

The People Magazine reporting is pervasive and it's only because people buy it by watching. Nothing is worth watching these days unless it's "titillating" or controversial. The dumbing-down of America is working and our government is partially to blame! FCC needs to get off its butt and do something to change this!

I have always said that "He who controls the media, controls the world" and this has held true. If all you watch is Fox, then you believe that our country is falling to pieces and that Obama is the Anti-Christ who wasn't born here and shouldn't be President. You would also believe that he hasn't done anything in office when nothing could be further from the truth. Obama isn't perfect but at least he's trying (that's more than I can say about his predecessor).

There are so many more issues that I could bring to light here but it's overwhelming at best to think about. The above 3 are my top three issues that I would like to see Congress address. Rachel Maddow was right, we need a new energy policy TODAY; there is no time to waste. With this crisis comes opportunity and it's time for us to step up and change our way of life. If we don't do it now, then we will never recover from the Oil crisis nor the Economic crisis.


  1. Great post. You raise important issues.

    Didn't Markey say (I saw this reported in DCC e-mails) that he wanted to apologize to BP for President Obama hassling him and trying to punish that company??

    I loved the point in Obama's speech where he discussed the new, alternative energy sources we need to explore. That's what I've been thinking and saying, too, for years...and of course the GOP jumps on him for bringing up that issue. They have battled it for decades; they don't want to spend the money on it, but is it better for their beloved Big Business to suffer in case of more ecological disaster related to oil drilling??

    Hypocrites. Part of NO, indeed. No good ideas, no sense, no decency.

    Thanks, Danielle.


  2. Sorry--I think it may have been Murkowski that "apologized" to BP. Need to check that. Either way, it's deplorable.

    PartY of No, is what I meant to type. I am too fast on the keyboard.

  3. It was Barton who apologized...he may as well have been holding a boom box playing "In Your Eyes" for Tony Hayward...what a jerk! thanks EC!
